Adding Positional Tags to Shotwell: Weekly Report 06

Hello everybody!

[NOTE: You can see a Spanish version of this mail in my personal blog, ]

Last week hasn't been very productive since I've lost a lot of time doing my move to a new house for the next course. But I've managed to implement a new functionality to the faces tool: Now it is possible to modify a face previously added to a photo —until now, if you had a face tagged in a photo and you want to modify it, you would have to delete it to create a new one with the new position, shape or name.

I also was able to create a handwritten VAPI file to get access to OpenCV from Vala and a test program that uses it to detect faces in a given photo. It seems to work exactly as the same application written in C, but I need to keep investigating VAPI files and C generated code to convince myself that there are not memory leaks or another weird bugs in the generated code.

This week I'm going to continue adding little changes to the interface under the direction of my mentor —as you could realize, I'm still in the first step of my project, and that one should be done some weeks ago, but it seems that my mentor prefers to improve the basic interface, and I have no problem with that; plus I'm very happy about the fact that this Faces tool could be in the next Shotwell's stable release.


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