Re: [Weekly report] Week 4: add multisession capabilities to Brasero Nautilus extension

2009/6/23 Bastien Nocera <hadess hadess net>
If they manage to do it in a way that doesn't suck, then good for them.
I still have to see the ideas behind how they'd want to implement it,
because it's really something that needs to be designed before diving
into the nautilus code to see what's possible in Nautilus.

I'd expect a large amount of changes needed into nautilus, and I don't
think that this would easily get past the nautilus maintainers if the
design or code quality isn't up to scratch.

I think that modify gvfs-burn isn't affect Nautilus. I implement something like: burn: / / [device name] in gvfs-burn. And I think all my work on the project should not affect Nautilus.

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