[weekly report] week 4: Pulse


week 4

 * stopped prototyping mostly outside of Pulse and started integrating
   the real stuff into Pulse

 * evaluated options on how to show graphs within the browser without 
   using images. Tried svg, js and pure html. This is because with Pulse
   getting different events and I want them to show up on the graph you
                        m  *   >    binomial(v, i)
                              i = 1

   graphs, with m being the number of modules and v the number
   of events. This just does not scale if you generate them all in 
   Obligatory note: There are many solutions available and most of them
   got one thing in common: they do not work or not so well with IE.

 * setting up a public instance is still WIP
   run into more problems than I thought. One of them is the time the 
   collecting part of Pulse takes, working on getting it faster.

Florian Ludwig <dino phidev org>

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