[weekly report] week 2: nautilus: google documents.


As I said last week, the second one was my first intensive coding week. I am still working on libgdata to add the support to google documents to this library.

So now I have classes representing the different google documents entry described in the google document protocol guide [1] working (spreadsheet, text, presentation and folder). It means I can parse xml files well. I have also been working a bit on the access rules implementation and it should be ready in a few moment but I first need to finish working on the service/query classes to be able to complete this.

For the moment I am creating a subclass of the GDataFeed class for it to parse well different type of documents/folder (this is actually almost done, I only need to test it).

I hope I can get a first working version of the google documents service in the coming days.

Have a good coding week ;)


Thibault Saunier

[1]Google document protocol guide: http://code.google.com/apis/documents/docs/2.0/developers_guide_protocol.html

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