[weekly report] Week 1 - Mail as a desktop service

Week 1


I started coding during the community bonding period.

During this phase I laid out the DBus API for mail, 
started a basic Command module that will control 
configuration dataMail will be broken down into objects.

Most of this time was spent figuring out how to handle 
asyncronous requests of the mail server.  Initially, 
I am using a bunch of threads and a queue for them 
to pull work from.

Mail is conceptually separated into Accounts, folders,
lists of messages and messages, each with their own API
accessable over DBus.

  -get_message -> create and return Message object
  -search -> return List object that matches search criteria
  -get_folder_list -> returns a simple list of folders
  -get_folder -> returns Folder object

During the first official week of coding, I spent my time
working on the caching logic.  Requests for 
information will be handled by a central cache to abstract
the DBus API from the mail server protocol, IMAP, POP or 
a local cache.  This is currently a work in progress and
will be my main focus this week as well.

I will be temporarily storing mail locally in a raw RFC822 

Ian Marcinkowski
ian desrt ca
Gnome - Mail as a Desktop Service

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