I would wish to work with Liferea (GSoC)

I'll be interested to work on Liferea [http://liferea.sourceforge.net]
as part of a google summer of code project. Now liferea is a
standalone project, but is very related to gnome (IMO its one of the
best Feed readers in Gtk+, or linux for that matter - it integrates
very well with gnome: network-manager, and uses gnome notifications
for instance, is lightweight, and has great features). I have already
mailed the author Lars Lindner <lars lindner gmail com> and he's quite
happy with my suggestions. He's suggested me to try and apply under
the Gnome project.

I have wanted the following features (among
others) in liferea, and am ready to work on either or both of them:

1. Comments Tracking: Usually after you post a comment on somebody's
blog you want to track responses to it. To save bandwidth (since you
now have one feed per post, which can go to hundreds or thousands): I
propose this should work in the following way: every time the comments
is updated the checking interval is reset to say 1 hr. Every time the
comments are checked the rechecking interval is, say, doubled. It will
be doubled until some fixed upper limit: say 1 month. The way I see
it, this shouldn't be hard to implement.

2. Google reader integration: This I propose will be just using
liferea as a frontend to Google reader. Liferea already has read-only
google reader support. What I propose is: everytime I read a post
locally, it'll update my google reader status too. Lots of my friends,
and myself, want this feature. This means one could read posts at his
office, and have his local reading list synchronized too. It also
saves bandwidth for me: because now I need to make just one connection
to google instead of one connection for each feed in my reading list,
and google should ideally send me only what is updated.

My credentials: Open source projects: Online Programming Contest
Grader written PHP, Rediffbol protocol plugin for libpurple/pidgin
written in C/C++. (http://rediffbol-prpl.sourceforge.net). My webpage:

Please let me know if its possible.

Chennai Mathematical Institute

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