Re: Report DVB Manager Week 10

Bastien Nocera schrieb:
On Mon, 2008-07-28 at 18:28 +0200, Sebastian Pölsterl wrote:
Blog post at

As mentioned in last week's report, I concentrated on an assistant to setup DVB cards and a preferences GUI to create new device groups and edit existing ones. Currently, there are three GUI applications. One to manage timers, one to manage devices and one to setup your cards. In the next couple of weeks I'm going to make those UIs nicer and merge all of them in one single application.

Is merging them all in one app a good idea?

I've just committed code to allow a helper application to be used to
configure DVB channels on a specific card. This would certainly require
an interface that would be different from a configuration tool. Think a
one-page wizard, rather than a full fledged channels manager.

The gist of it:
- The scanner should install a binary in $(libexecdir)/totem-dvb-scanner
or a link to that effect)
- The scanner needs to handle --transient-for=XXX where XXX is the XID
of the parent window it needs to be transient for, as well as a single
number telling you the index of the DVB adapter to configure.
- On success, the scanner should return "4" as the exit status, and "3"
for failures.

When the "Watch TV on adapter bleh" is clicked in the menu, or "dvb:" is
passed to Totem, the helper will be launched, and an error message will
appear if the scanner isn't present, crashed, or failed to create a
channels.conf file. It will load the channel listings as normal if it

I already started a wizard to scan channels. I can adept it that it works as you mentioned.

However, afaik Totem expects a channels file at ~/.gstreamer-0.10/dvb-channels.conf. When you have two adapters of different types it won't work. Are there plans to change this?

Sebastian Pölsterl

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