Intro+report and a random generator


Impressive amount of activity guys! I'm  a bit late :)

* Me Me Me!
I'm a 25 years old comp.sci student from Copenhagen. 
Finally I can get started on gnome instead of using gnome ;). Been a
long time lurker spending to much time on reading instead of coding :)

Currently I am quite busy with work and university courses, in a few
weeks work will get dumped for SoC (yay!!).
So currently I'm doing 3 things, SoC included.
Excuses excuses... boring to read :)

* My Favorite Gnome Soc projects

File sharing in a LAN.
gnome-bluetooth and bluez-gnome improvements and unification. 
Photobooth like application.

Some other really really cool projects too, but these makes me
accomplish things when I'm just using gnome. 


I am interested by justifying the cost is hard with a limited budget
(240-260 EUR for flight tickets from Copenhagen to Birmingham....
everywhere else is cheaper). I haven't decided yet, depends on
accommodation prices. Also I think that others are more eligible for 

* Project
It's bit sadistic, the motivation was partly trying to really challenge
myself. With a mentor it should hopefully be easier :)

The project is about making GConf a better place. The big picture thing
for me is removing the cruft/design flaws making GConf acceptable for
lower layers, while remaining API compatible.  *BlinG*Conf!?... 

buzzwords aside....
Since there is a nice todo list, i picked pieces of that which made
sense for me. So the project is:
"Moving schemas out of the gconf tree"
I really really need to split this up in smaller edible parts....

I don't want to mess with the DBUS port, even if it's on the TODO. Ohers
can do it much better. 

* Report

Anyways, first part was reading up on C hacking (been a while) so
churned through last half of K&R(well almost), also been spare time
grepping and browsing through Gconf source code. 

Also applied for an SVN account, should be there any minute :)

Potential blockers:

So i have one question, how do I set up a system for developing GConf? 
Just another user+jhbuild + fiddling? or a seperate virtual machine?
basicly: How to hack on system stuff, and not bricking the machine. (I
depend on it!)

Frej Soya <frej soya gmail com>

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