Progress Report - Evolution - 2007/32

Hi folks :)

I wonder whether I am the first one this week?! ;-) (Arr, a SoC mail
just arrived *g* )

I commited a patch last week which fixes an annoying behaviour: If you
collapse all mails, expand one and read an email in a thread Evolution
collapses this thread when a new mail arrives. This is fixed now :)
Since everyone loves screencasts, I created two of them.

Checkout the first one, showing the old behaviour [1]. I group by
threads, collapse all thread, expand one and receive a mail. Evolution
collapses the thread which is very intrusive. Note that the selection of
the email is also gone which means, that you can't read it anymore.

The second one shows the new behaviour [2]: Instead of collapsing the
whole thread, it just displays the new email.
(Sending a mail takes way too long though :-\ )
This was due to not saving the tree state to disk, but loading it after
the new mail arrived. So Evolution loaded the old (collapsed) state...

Along with that collapsing thing (which was bug 387312), the selection
does not go away, which has been another 
bug (387316). This is fixed as well, so I am glad that there is one bug
left, I am supposed to fix and I have an idea for that already :) so
that I hope to finish next week. 

As I said, I wanted to investigate this whole state-saving thingy and so
tried to attach a debugger to a thread-dispatcher function and I was
actually not able to step through properly. The debugger showed lines
with no code, fields with confusing data or did some very surpring
steps. Hence debugging threaded code is PITA... So I have to insert a
lot of printfs ;-) At least you don't other methods... do you?

So long,

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