Hi Martin, Thanks J It took me a while to realise that I needed to recompile gnome-shell-extensions with ruby/sass installed to get User Themes, but after that it worked. Does your tip actually change the top panel font or does it make the top panel smaller thus forcing the font to be smaller? BTW this also appeared to show that attempting to change fonts with the gnome-tweak-tool fonts/window title has no effect… Regards John From: Martin Cigorraga [mailto:martincigorraga gmail com] Hi John, I'm doing it this way; if anyone else knows a better way please let me know: Create a directory in ~/.local/share/themes/ like "Adwaita-small" with the a 'gnome-shell' directory inside: $ mkdir -p ~/.local/share/themes/Adwaita-small/gnome-shell Then create a file named gnome-shell.css inside with the following line: #panel { font-size: small; } Now you need to install GNOME Tweak Tool[0] and the 'User themes' extension. Some distros like Fedora have it already packaged, if your distro doesn't just head up to https//extensions.gnome.org and install it from there. Fire up GNOME Tweak Tool, go to extensions and enable "User themes'; quit Tweak Tool, open it again and go to Appearance; select 'Adwaita-small' for the shell theme. [0] You can do everything from the CLI of course but GNOME Tweak Tool makes it quite handy. HTH, if not let us know. -Martin On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 2:23 AM, John Frankish <john frankish outlook com> wrote: