Re: [Re-send] GNOME Shell under VirtualBox


Thank you for pointing me at that one.  I did actually do a local patch for
platform bus and server managed FD support yesterday, though I am not sure
whether I will commit it, as our driver still needs root rights (poking
registers), so I am thinking that the DRM driver plus modesetting is a
better way to go.
Sure, that seems to be the way the world is going. c.f.,


Out of interest, are you in charge of GNOME Shell at Redhat?
Nope, I work on it (among other things).  Florian is in charge of GNOME Shell at
Red Hat, and the upstream maintainer.

I will soon want to debug why Fedora 23 fails to start a
session when 3D pass-through is not enabled and GDM is using WaylandEnable,
but why it does seem to work (I need to double check that, as I can't quite
believe it myself) with WaylandEnable and pass-through enabled.
When you say a "session" do you mean a user session? or the login
screen session?
(or both?) Does autologin work? Do you have gnome-shell 3.18.2 from this update?

Can you put Enable=True in the debug section of /etc/gdm/custom.conf
and attach the output of sudo journalctl -b -a to a bug report ?


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