Re: [Re-send] GNOME Shell under VirtualBox

Hello Ray,

On 12.11.2015 21:17, Ray Strode wrote:
I am guessing that we implement something wrong, or
do not implement something that GNOME Shell needs, but I would love some
clues as to how I can identify what that is.
As an aside, there is something that would be good to have:

If you're up for working on it!
Thank you for pointing me at that one.  I did actually do a local patch 
for platform bus and server managed FD support yesterday, though I am 
not sure whether I will commit it, as our driver still needs root rights 
(poking registers), so I am thinking that the DRM driver plus 
modesetting is a better way to go.
Out of interest, are you in charge of GNOME Shell at Redhat?  Or are you 
further upstream?  I will soon want to debug why Fedora 23 fails to 
start a session when 3D pass-through is not enabled and GDM is using 
WaylandEnable, but why it does seem to work (I need to double check 
that, as I can't quite believe it myself) with WaylandEnable and 
pass-through enabled.

ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG   Michael Thayer
Werkstrasse 24                     VirtualBox engineering
71384 Weinstadt, Germany           mailto:michael thayer oracle com

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