Re: Let extensions access the extensionPrefs HeaderBar


Thanks for your answer. It gets even more "hackish" because you'd need
to request the HeaderBar only after the prefs widget gets added to the
GtkDialog (maybe when the 'realize' signal is emitted). :(


On Tue Feb 10 2015 at 4:47:09 AM Giovanni Campagna
<giocampagna92 gmail com> wrote:

On Sun, Feb 8, 2015 at 6:43 AM, Felipe Borges <felipeborges gnome org> wrote:


I've recently reported a bug[0] about my desire of having a more
complex preferences dialog for my extension (powered by GtkStacks,
stack switchers et al just like modern gnome apps).

I understand that letting the extension devs handle all the extension
preferences dialog could be somehow 'too permissive', causing design
discrepancies. But still, I think that letting extension devs access
the extensionPrefs dialog headerbar could result in way better
designed dialogs.

If there's a proper way of achieving that without this patch, please
let me know. :)

It might be a hack, but you can do widget.get_toplevel().get_titlebar(), and that will give you the 
headerbar of the current window.
As always, it could break from one version to another, but heh, gnome-shell extensions already do that :)




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