On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 10:19 PM, Evandro Giovanini
<efgiovanini gmail com> wrote:
Em Seg, 2012-03-12 às 17:51 +0100, Reda Lazri escreveu:
> Hello,
> I just upgraded to GNOME 3.4b (Good job BTW) and I'm stuck with the
> default theme, since everything is not compatible right now.
> One thing I noticed, after using my themes for so long, is how huge
> the theme looks in my screen resolution; honestly, I hate it.(but love
> you guys :)
> Now, I'm not here to suggest yet another change, but -the title gives
> it away- I have an idea. How about making the theme responsive?
> For the non-web-designers among us >
> http://bradfrostweb.com/blog/web/responsive-nav-patterns
> What I suggest is adapting the font, icons... sizes according to the
> resolution and not hard-coding them and causing people to seek 3rd
> party theme just to make use of the default theme(like Adwaita
> Netbook...).
> What do you think? Is it possible?
You should increase/decrease the font size in the accessibility section
of System Settings, or via gsettings with the
org.gnome.desktop.interface.text-scaling-factor key. That will
automatically apply to the Shell and all your apps as well.
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