Re: Editing entries?

Around about 07/06/12 13:23, Jasper St. Pierre scribbled ...
You can click in the web editor to edit the description. Be careful,
because uploading a new zip file will replace the description. I'm
looking for better behavior here.
  Ah, so it's got the description from the metadata.json, I see.

Well, blow me, I didn't notice that the description was an editable section! I wondered why it had a funny background colour :-)

This is just a case of bad UI that needs to be fixed. An upload dialog
will appear if you want the permissions to do so.
  Best leave it for now, the screenshot's on the github page as well; 
I just wondered whether I'd missed something.  Clicking the screenshot 
currently opens (Firefox) a blank save-as dialogue :-/

[phoenix@fnx ~]# rm -f .signature
[phoenix@fnx ~]# ls -l .signature
ls: .signature: No such file or directory
[phoenix@fnx ~]# exit

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