Re: overlapping elements in St.BoxLayout

You could use anchor_x/anchor_y.

On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 9:50 PM, Amy C <mathematical coffee gmail com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a St.BoxLayout into which I am placing box (St.BoxLayout) and
> bin (St.Bin) vertically:
> layout = new St.BoxLayout({vertical: true});
> layout.add(box);
> layout.add(bin);
> The items in `box` are all of height 2em, but `box` itself is styled
> to have height 1em. This is to make the items in `box` (buttons)
> overlap the `bin` vertically.
> The overlapping works fine, but the buttons appear *below* the
> contents of the bin so are visually cut off.
> If I try  `box.raise_top()`  to make the buttons in `box` appear on
> top of `bin`, `box` moves (visually) to the very bottom of `layout`.
> How can I keep `box` visually at the top of `layout`, but have the
> buttons inside it overlapping `bin` and appearing on top of `bin`?
> --------
> One way tried was setting the height of `box` at run time like so:
> layout.add(box);
> Mainloop.idle_add(function () { // wait for height to be allocated
>     box.y -= box.height/2;
> });
> This works, but causes a noticable relayout of `layout` where when it
> first appears space has been allocated for the full `box.height`, and
> then milliseconds later you see it flicker to the proper
> `box.height/2`.
> (I can't hard-code the height because it's in ems, not pixels).
> The effect I'm thinking of is like how in the Overview the close
> button overlaps the window thumbnail: imagine my `box` being full of
> buttons that I want to half-overlap vertically with `bin` being the
> thumbnail.
> cheers.
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