Re: Matching Java WM_CLASS or matching two WM_CLASS values

Le mercredi 21 mars 2012 à 22:17 +0100, Alessandro Crismani a écrit :
> Hi everybody,
> I have a problem with a Java application that sets its WM_CLASS value to
> either "wm-class-a" or "wm-class-b" (the two real ones are garbage, e.g.
> java-lang-thread). The application is beyond my control and I can't
> modify it for setting a saner WM_CLASS.
> I can install the desktop file of the application as:
> /usr/share/applications/wm-class-a.desktop,
> and it will match instances having a WM_CLASS value of wm-class-a, or
> as:
> /usr/share/applications/wm-class-b.desktop,
> and it will match instances having a WM_CLASS value of wm-class-b.
> Neither solution is really good since I get a mis-match almost half of
> the times.
> I considered installing both files and adding a NoDisplay=true to one of
> them, but then if I pin the one that is shown to the Dash, and the one
> that spawns is the other one I still get two icons.
> The question is, how can I match both instances with a single desktop
> file? Is it possible? Can I somehow tell Gnome Shell that both WM_CLASS
> values should match a particular desktop file?
Please see


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