Re: Why Favorites are not on the top bar?

On 05/06/2011 08:46 AM, Denys Vlasenko wrote:
Since top bar still exists, and the place where icons used to be
now is not used for anything, what about making it possible
to have Favorites *there*
There are a lot of different screen sizes; some are big and some are very small. GNOME 3 wants to be usable on a wide variety of screens, so the top bar is not "user-owned", but instead "system-owned". This is much easier to manage from a developer's standpoint (less odd bugs, simpler to code, etc.), and it also gives GNOME 3 a consistent visual identity, making support much easier.

Also, GNOME 2 had an annoying problem where you had to manually position every widget that wasn't placed by default. GNOME 3, by having a static top panel that's system-owned, fixes this problem. In addition, the top bar is extremely tiny. The dock for the favorites list is just as fast to reach (especially if you use the Windows/Super key) and it's easier to click, especially with a low-precision input device like a laptop touch pad, or even on a touch-screen device like an iPad.

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