Re: Dual monitor support broken since 12 March - second monitor acts as single display

On 21/03/2011 16:41, Robert Park wrote:
On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 1:24 AM, Dave Hatton<mail davehatton it>  wrote:
So how do I configure for configuration 1 now? I couldn't see how this is
Maybe I misread, but what I gathered from that bug was that
"configuration 1" (as you call it) was considered broken, and removed
in favor of the latter behavior, which is not configurable.

I can see that reading, but later the following link is offered -

This describes two options and a proposal for a toggle between the to options.

I guess, since I don't contribute to the project, I have little say, but to discard a long term expected configuration (e.g. two monitors = 1 large view port) in favour of this static screen set-up is disappointing.

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