Re: My opinions on Gnome Shell

On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 8:25 PM, Adam Tauno Williams
<awilliam whitemice org> wrote:
>>> > Minimizing is pretty much an obsolete notion.
>>> Software exist to serve the users' needs. I need minimizing.
>>Adding a minimize button would go against the whole design since the
>>windows don't have a place to go when they are minimized. It's more
>>making windows disappear.
>>> I believe the number of people that need minimizing vastly outnumber
>>those who don't.
> I don't believe anyone needs minimizing. Why are you minimizing windows?
> Windows can go to the back of the stack - where they interfere with nothing
> - or be dumped on another workspace. I don't see any reason to have an
> invisible application running. That sounds like it should be reimplemented
> as a session service.

That is very simple. Temporary, I don't want that application to
interfere with what I'm doing, but I don't want to close it
completely, because I'll need it in its current state later. For
example, I minimize browser when I'm working, but I want to return to
it fast when I want to take a break.

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