On 7/13/2011 10:49 PM, Daniele Guerrieri wrote:
Um. I'm not sure how you're getting there from here. How does Android -
>  2.3 or 3.0 - resemble GNOME 3? The major feature of GNOME 3 is the
>  Overview; Android does not have anything like this. It has an app
>  browser, but this has no concept of switching between windows; Android
>  isn't a window-based interface. It has no windows at all, which is
>  another obvious difference.
Android has not windows? I'm sure it has windows; it has a slightly different
idea of windows: you cannot resize them, you have nowhere to drag them, you
cannot maximize-minimize. It is "oriented" (don't know if it's the correct
word) to small devices, such as smartphone and tablets.
It's like the Iphone interface: you don't have a "start" menu, you don't have
a "menu" with accessories,applications,settings; you have instead many screens
that you could slide left-right in which you can see lots of icons; each icon
belongs to a different application, so at the end you'll have a mess (newspaper
apps mixed with medical apps, calculator hide between settigns and
internet browser,
etc.). It's like the iphone, from which all new gui derive (IMHO):);
and bo th iphone
and samsung galaxy are phones.
I myself really do not like the iPhone and Android of doing things (grid of icons all over the desktop). I only have two icons(My Computer & Network) on the Windows desktop and nothing else except that I add some important app icon.
I like the webOS interface though, but that just my taste.

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