Re: Arrow key window selector extension.

Il giorno dom, 03/07/2011 alle 19.07 +0200, privacy ha scritto:
> Hello,
> I have written an extension for selecting windows in overview mode with 
> arrow keys. When you are in overview mode and press an arrow key, the 
> most recently focused window will be selected and highlighted. As soon 
> as you have navigated to the desired window you can press ENTER for 
> activating the window or DELETE for closing it. Mouse events and other 
> key events will terminate the selection process. I think the navigation 
> logic should work with any window placement strategy and multiple 
> monitors should also be supported.
> You can find the extension here: 
> I would be glad about some feedback, ideas for improvement and please 
> report issues.
> Cheers, Paul

That is wonderful news. I was planning to write it myself in the future,
I'll try it as soon as possible.

Besides, should this be used as an accessibility feature?


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