Clicking on the text of some notifications does nothing

Is this a bug, or a feature?

With some notifications, if you click on the icon it'll launch the
related app, and if you click on the text of the notification (e.g.
'abrt applet') it'll pop up a full notification. This is pretty good.
With others, you have to click on the icon to get anything to happen;
clicking on the text does nothing.

For me, this is the case with Xchat and Fedora's update applet: with
both of them, if I click on the text, nothing at all happens. If I click
on the icon, the appropriate action happens (xchat comes to the
foreground, or the update app launches).

The xchat one in particular is really annoying, because it means the
notification acts as if it's running away - i move my mouse over the
icon and it moves away to display the name of the app, clicking on which
does nothing at all! I have to carefully position my pointer over the
icon to make it move away, then carefully move my pointer again to the
new location of the icon to actually click on it and get xchat to

I think when there's no more detailed notification pop-up to be
displayed when you click the text, clicking the text should simply do
the same as clicking the icon.

(of course I never do this because it's so finicky, I just alt-tab to
it. but still. actually, i think the movement behaviour is a bit buggy
depending on exactly how you move the pointer within the notification
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Fedora Talk: adamwill AT fedoraproject DOT org

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