Re: The logic behind remove "Restart" and hide "Power Off" in User menu.

Le samedi 26 février 2011 à 09:02 +0100, Johannes Schmid a écrit :
> There is absolutely no information about why suspend is the default
> apart
> from telling that this is what happens when you close the lid on a
> laptop.
> I think you can argue that it might be a reasonable default for
> laptops
> but it is not at all a reasonable default for a desktop PC. And this
> is
> not discussed at all in the linked page. 

About suspend when close the lid, it's juste a change of logic.

Before, you need to change yourself the parameter depending to the
situation. In some cases, you need to keep the laptop in activity (ex:
download files) when you close the lid. But in other cases, it's not

Instead of require a constant change of the parameter like before (in
Gnome 2.XX), Gnome 3 change it automatcaly. So, by default, Gnome 3
suspend the laptop when you clode the lid and when a software should not
be stopped it interrupts the proceedings of standby. 

This solution has some advantages. Ex: You start a long transcoding of a
HD video and you want to go sleep. You just close the lid and go to bed.
The laptop don't go to standby and continue to transcode. When it
finish, it turn to standby.

Note: I think the Gnome 3 dev and designers team need to explain their
choices in a faq if they don't want to have questions about it in

And about:

The line "Install update and restart" in the User menu it's a bad idea.
Exemple: in french, you have "Installer les mises à jours et
redémarrer". It's to long. I think it's in better place in messaging
tray. And this message is not true because update are already installed.
The correct message is "Restart for use updates of the system core".

And the choice to have Suspend but not Power Off in the User menu
encourages them to waste energy.

PS: And if we stay logic, all entries about the system are in wrong
place in the User menu and we need a System menu.


Gendre Sebastien <korbe romandie com>

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