Re: Gnome 3 desktop issues

I don't think:
>Essentially if you don't like it then it's apparently your fault.
is a fair thing to say. It's different and it's new. You CAN move to something else if you don't like it. But change cannot be held up because some people are unwilling to alter their workflow. I don't speak for GNOME in any official way. Just a commenter. And I'm not trying to be disrespectful. GNOME 3 is still maturing and I love it. 

On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 1:23 PM, Tim Murphy <tnmurphy gmail com> wrote:

Quite a few people have mentioned the same thing on this mailing list,
including myself.  You'll get told:
1) to keep trying till you change your mind
2) that if you don't change your mind it's because you're old
3) that other people's grandmothers, who know no better anyhow, are
able to use it
4) if you don't like something you can always make a hotkey to do it

Essentially if you don't like it then it's apparently your fault.

I have stopped trying to use reason because this is about people on
some mission and they aren't listening.

What you can do is to support the people who are listening.

This is a respin of Ubuntu with the MATE DE which is basically GNOME2
forked.  It also has a modified GNOME3 which is almost usable.

I have just switched and I'm happy with it.



On 9 December 2011 17:58, Wendell Nichols <wcn00 shaw ca> wrote:
> I've been using Linux in one form or another for almost 20 years to write
> software.  My desktop is busy and I keep connections to about 10 other
> desktops open for testing and development on other acrhitectures and
> languages.  I like linux because it is flexable... or was.  I keep all these
> desktops configured roughly the same so I don't have huge mental shifts to
> make when going from machine to machine.  That is:  one panel, on the bottom
> containing the menu, workspaces, notification area etc.  The rest of the
> screen is dedicated to doing MY work.  IMHO desktops should be invisible
> until you need them not crowding out your apps and laying multiple title
> bars on things.
> My laptop is Ubuntu 10, but I need to upgrade.  I've tested several new
> distributions:
> -ubuntu 11 unity; absolute disaster  seems designed for cell phones or
> somehing
> -ubuntu 11, fedora or opensuse with gnome 3.  basic functionality is there
> but there is no way to consolidate the top and bottom panel into one at the
> bottom.  That is an absolute requirement.
> Currently if nothing changes I will migrate to a KDE desktop, but I find it
> slow and some of my favourite apps are not available or don't work well in
> KDE.  The really sick thing is that I find myself using windoze 7 more and
> more these days and not hating it like I would if linux desktops were up to
> the job.
> sigh.
> Sorry to make my first post so negative but I feel that the most open and
> inclusive computing environment I've ever used has taken a rather sad turn
> for the worse.
> Wendell Nichols
> Software Architect
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