Re: My first impression of GNOME 3

On Tue, 19 Apr 2011 22:45:59 +0200, Johannes Schmid <jhs jsschmid de> wrote:
> > There used to be a setting called "preferred applications". That one
> > seems gone now.
> It's a bit hidden in "System Info" but you can still set this properly.

Thank you, that worked like a charm. I agree that putting this in
"system info" makes it actually a bit hidden. *I* believe it might still
deserve a "preferred apps" entry in the main pref bar...

> > One widget that I am not very fond of, is the ON/OFF slider....

> Besides that you can just click it (no drag necessary) there is some
> ongoing design decision about the use of the widget.

Ohh, clicking on it works? Doh, I never thought of trying that. Anyway,
I am glad people are thinking the UI over, as I said, it was often not
clear to me in which state it was.

> > Last but not least, whenever the "Authentication needed" dialog pops up, the password entry dialog is not focused initially, it requires a mouse click to do so. I believe this was different previously, and I actually preferred it that way.
> Sounds like a bug (probably fixed already). You may want to check in
> bugzilla.
I definitlely would count that as a bug and will check bugzilla. :-).

Looking forward to further improvements. As I said, I believe I am going
to be become happy with the system, once all the tools and things fall
back into their places and get refined.


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