Re: using Gnome-Shell with 90% of all applications is absolute garbage.

On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 05:59:03PM -0400, jordan wrote:
> 2nd. So, the "seamless transition" from Gnome2 to Gnome3 actually
> translates into "hey current gnome-users, as of
> Gnome3 - us gnome-developers no longer give a crap if your software
> can be integrated into our desktop, if your software does not work
> properly comply with the MASS changes we have made to our desktop
> (even though EVERY other Desktop is properly supported), too bad...
> it's not our problem. (even though, we are the one's introducing every
> single problem, essentially).  That's not seamless, it's short-sided
> at best. it also might be the death of gnome for many many people.

GNOME 2.32 already relied on Pulseaudio.

For the rest, request to please change your tone. I understand you care
about this, but your argumentation is pretty emotional. As such, I'm not
going to respond. This as I don't think an emotional discussion will
ever lead to a change of opinion or better insight.

I kindly explained the reasoning behind it and getting such a reply is
not appreciated. Feel free to discuss anything on gnome-shell-list, but
please follow or just wait a bit
before sending an email.

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