Re: Idea: having a hotkey, dialog box for searching apps?

Nice answer.

On my system with video playing and after the system has been running for a while it takes about 5 seconds... so question to you "why is 5 seconds not slow to you?"

Can take even longer if there's a RDP and/or vnc sessions open.

On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 1:19 PM, Jason D. Clinton <me jasonclinton com> wrote:
On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 12:13, G. Michael Carter <mikey carterfamily ca> wrote:
I have a video playing in the corner of the screen.   Now I want to take some notes on a scene currently taking place, how do you bring up gedit without the need to pause the video (if the video can be paused at all -- live webcasts don't pause --), open the overview page, type gedit, then come back replay the video and hope the stream didn't die (which would cause me to have to start over and start fast forwarding)


Measured with recording that it takes around 200ms. I think the better question would be, "Why is this not fast enough for you?"

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