Re: New GNOME Shell video on Youtube

On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 3:05 AM, Onyeibo Oku <twohotis gmail com> wrote:
On Thu, 2011-04-07 at 16:56 -0400, J. Adam Craig wrote:

> I don't think the problem is so much that Gnome 3 is "broken", but
> just that its new right now, and while its definitely more efficient,
> one doesn't start really realizing that until they stop stumbling
> around looking for things at their old places, and start finding them
> automatically where they are now.

I like the way you put it: 'start finding them automatically where they
are now' .... Historians really pack some punch with words. :)

Well, what I like about Gnome3 (+ Gnome-shell) is that its a DE with a
lot of possibilities.  I still envision better implementations of the
new navigation concept and maybe one day they will materialize.  Its
that potential that makes it interesting.  For now, lets enjoy some

What I like about GNOME Shell is that really clean look when you log in.. it's like walking into a clean house with no clutter. Even my macbook shows a lot of clutter with the dock, menu strip, and all that.. I've started not like OSX either now (well I never really liked it all that much, but way better than windows).  I think it's just so brilliant that made expose actually useful, moving into a more main line use than they did in Apple.  I just wish I had more space in that overview for other stuff like weather, system status etc.  I definitely no longer subscribe to having applets on that bar at all.  I did miss system monitor for a little bit, as I have a zen feeling when I know the machine is at peace. :-)  But I figure there can be a more intelligent way of showing that.


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