Re: Active Applications list

Hi all.

>> > On Thu, 2010-06-24 at 19:13 +0000, Sean Dunwoody wrote:
>> >> Lots of people are talking about a concern they have with the design
>> >> of Gnome Shell (for valid reasons in my opinion) and your basically
>> >> telling them to button up because your not changing the design . . .I
>> >> didn't think this was what open source was about.
>> >
>> > Open source means you have the source code.
>> > Feel free to do whatever you want with it.
>> And contributions may not only consist of source code. Please keep in
>> mind that there are not only coders out there.
>> Designing a mockup our outlining a concept is a reasonable contribution imho.
> "Open source" says nothing about how your contributions will be
> received, acted upon, ignored, whatever. Open source simply says you can
> have the source code.

Yes, that's true in general. But the GNOME project describes itself as
community and therefore should honour every kind of (reasonable)

If it's your personal opinion not to honour these, it's okay, but
please don't speak for the project, then.


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