Re: Tested the latest build

On 01/09/2010 01:56 PM, Bob Hazard wrote:
Yes. In fact, to a large extend it already is theme-able. If you have a
look at ${install_dir}/share/gnome-shell/theme/gnome-shell.css. Right
now, there is neither a way to have parallel themes installed nor a way
to switch themes, but expect these to fall in place eventually.

lol it works

Don't laugh I have never done CSS before and I am 15% colour-blind

Back on topic: the "theme" directory, in the future, could just be changed to "themes" with specific customizations per theme you're using. For example, using the New Wave GTK/Mutter theme would have the ability to give me a different default Gnome-Shell appearance by default (different buttons, different colors... maybe different designs for the panel/areas?) in its own "New Wave" sub-folder.

Of course, this shouldn't be just for themes to customize and there could be a possible tab/option in the Appearance area of System Settings for this kind of customization. Like, say, I wanted to use one kind of GTK theme, another Mutter theme, and another Gnome-Shell theme instead of loading a "theme pack" like most people do. I know this feature's already present (and I'm loving it), but adding the panel and gnome-shell to the list of possible customizations would be a good future step to take in my opinion.

Anyone think of a better way this could be handled?

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