Re: Some issues calling atk methods

From: Dan Winship <danw gnome org>


> Does this work usefully in other language bindings? I think this is just
> considered bad class design, and the answer is "don't do that then"...

Although the thread is over, to fullfill my curiosity, I was testing
this issue with python.

Although initially I have a weird problem (importing pyatspi causes a
problem with mixed python bindings) I was able to get it working.

In this case, if you call atk_label.get_name, you call the AtkObject
one. In the same way, get_name doesn't appear as a method inherited
from AtkAction. Probably this is because the method resolution order:

 |  Method resolution order:
 |      __main__.CallyText
 |      __main__.CallyActor
 |      gi.repository.Atk.GObjectAccessible
 |      gi.repository.Atk.Object
 |      gobject._gobject.GObject
 |      gi.repository.Atk.Component
 |      gi.repository.Atk.Action
 |      gi.repository.Atk.Text
 |      gi.repository.Atk.EditableText
 |      gobject.GInterface
 |      __builtin__.object

So in this case you can't call AtkAction.get_name calling
atk_label.get_action (0). So the overlap issue is still there. But in
this case you can do the following to workaround that:

Atk.Action.get_name (atk_label, 0)

and obviously, call AtkObject one using this:

Atk.Object.get_name (atk_label)

Silly test attached.


API (apinheiro igalia com)

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Testing if python have the same problem with overlapped
# ->get_name methods (AtkObject and AtkAction)
# More info here:
# How to use pygi from:
# Author: Alejandro Pinheiro <apinheiro igalia com>

#import pyatspi don't import this!! or you would load manual python bindings, and the example will not work
import pygtk
pygtk.require ('2.0') # adds gi to the pythonpath

from gi.repository import Clutter
from gi.repository import Atk

def key_press_cb (self, event, label):
    atk_label = label.get_accessible ()

    name = atk_label.get_name ()
    name_using_class = Atk.Object.get_name (atk_label)
    action_name = Atk.Action.get_name (atk_label, 0)

    print "label name: " + name
    print "label name using class: " + name_using_class
    print "label action 0 name: " + action_name

if __name__ == "__main__":
    Clutter.init (None)

    color = Clutter.Color () = 0xff = 0x00 = 0x00
    color.alpha = 0xff

    label = Clutter.Text ()
    label.set_text ("Some text")
    label.set_font_name ("Sans Bold 32px")
    label.set_color (color)

    s = Clutter.Stage ()
    s.title = 'Overlapping methods'

    s.set_size (600, 200)
    s.connect ('destroy', lambda x: Clutter.main_quit())
    s.connect ('button-press-event', key_press_cb, label);

    s.add_actor (label)

    s.show_all ()
    Clutter.main ()

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