Re: Clipboard Management

2009/10/24 Michael Stephenson <mickstephenson googlemail com>:
> Hello,
> Having just installed the Karmic RC, I thought I'd give gnome-shell a
> go, runs pretty nicely, but I miss Glipper, primarily the fact that
> Glipper is needed to have a functioning clipboard that plays nicely with
> apps like firefox and secondly for the other functions Glipper brings.
> As a feature is clipboard management likely to be integrated into
> gnome-shell?
> In my opinion it should be, I'm no developer but I imagine the rationale
> for Glippers functionality not to have been implemented directly into
> gnome before is that Firefox doesn't behave properly because it does not
> correctly follow gnome's standard clipboard, and therefore Glipper's
> method of fixing the clipboard doesn't solve the underlying problem, but
> that seems a poor rationale to have something that is broken to end
> users that needn't be.

Clipboard history could be intergrated via Zeitgeist. That primary
work needed would be to write some automagic submission of clipboard
history to Zeitgeist, so apps would have to do anything special to
hook into this.

Just a thought.


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