Inconsistencies in the top menu objects


Though the gnome-shell is still in the development stages  , just wanted
to point out that the top menu at the moment has a few oddities. 

1: Not all items react. 
- In normal view >
- The name of the app-in-view is displayed but the name is
non-reactive , while the rest of the elements react to user interaction.
=> I understand that this is the design but , it would be better if the
title responds and shows some options. 

2: It gets even more confusing in the "Activities overview " , when the
applets in the notification area and the user item also dont respond
now , but the calendar responds to user interactions.

Since there is no indication of the running apps[as with the taskbar] ,
i usually tend to check the activities overview  , before shutting down,
to see if there are any apps running in other workspaces which i havent
But as the user-item is now non-reactive , i have to exit the overview
to shutdown.
=>It would be easier if the shutdown options where available even from
the activities overview , so that i dont have to exit the overview to

3: Certain items[system status items] have context menus , but others
We need to decide whether to allow context menus on the system status
items or to add context menus on other items too.

Since it is mentioned in the design guidelines that the system status
icons need to appear as part of the top menu bar , they need to behave
like the rest of the items too.

4: System status objects and the user-item behave different from the
Calendar and the activities options. The calendar and the activities
items have a neat slide action , while the rest of the items just show
the drop down menu and do not have the side animation
=> Is it possible to make all the items in the top menu use the slide

5: Sidebar option [checkmark] oddly placed inbetween two options of
account information and system preferences.
=> Ideally, it needs to be placed between separators , above the account
information option.

6: Most of the objects in the system status display the icons using the
gtk_status_icon_set_from_icon_name [gpm and others too , afaik] , 
but network manager applet uses the gtk_icon_theme_load_icon , this
causes the icon to scale up to fill the panel height and appear bigger
than the rest of the icons while the rest of the applets use the icons
as is. 
This is not a gnome-shell problem per-se , but this is because there is
no proper guidelines for the system status area applets .
It needs to be mentioned , in the gnome guidelines , how the applets
need to use the icon , so that the applet devs use the proper icon

Hope these are fixable :)


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