Hello everybody. I hope these ideas might be of interest. This intends to be a shot at the "desktop context" concept. I took ideas from these mockups but this one is simpler. It is also similar to the recently posted mockup by Jimmy Forrester. The main idea is using Contexts to tell the computer what you are doing, in your terms. The only task you will need to do is writing. Naming a Context The mechanism to tell the computer what you are doing is naming the Context. Every Context has a name. Before you specify what you are doing, the computer automatically creates a Generic Context. The names of currently open Contexts are visible: • In the overlay view, next to each workspace.There are two ways to name a Context: • New workspace: in the overlay, when you create a new workspace with the (+) icon, cursor automatically is on the Context name field:To underline the difference between Contexts, some eye candy clues could be allowed: different colors and backgrounds for desktop, panel, overlay and "Activities" button. The Context manager Once a Context has a name it can be "managed": see all the existing Contexts, reopen them, erase if you are not using them anymore, advanced setup if more options are available... I put the "Context manager" below the panel and right of the "Find" button. It works more or less like the Applications menu. It immediately provides a list of favourite or most recent Contexts. To browse everything and do the advanced stuff, you use the "More" button. The main function here is launching the Contexts. I think the minimum would be two options: • Start: a new workspace for the Context with nothing on it, no windows, applications or documents. What Contexts could do for you Contexts can remind you the thing you are doing, what you have been doing lately, and what you have to do. Things, not applications or documents. I think this was more or less the original GNOME Shell concept. The ways • Remember which documents you opened: different recent documents for each Context. This could extend to web history, chats, etc. I am assuming Zeitgeist will be aware of Contexts at some point.These basic features would be provided by GNOME Shell but, if third-party applications could interact with Contexts, such as a project management application, the enhancements and possibilities could be unending. This is all. I'd be flattered if this could inspire any good idea from you. Great work, I was far from sold before trying, but now I'm liking the thing more and more each day. Thank you! David Mend |