Re: Global menubar (was Re: #4 on ToDo list: make the top panel prettier)

2009/1/27 Brian Fleeger <brianfleeger yahoo com>:
>>When using focus-follows-mouse, the menu would probably have to wait
>>until the window is clicked or the first keystroke goes to it...?
> If one had to wait until the window is clicked, then it wouldn't be
> focus-follows-mouse anymore, it would be click-to-focus.  And that would
> clearly turn off a lot of programmers to the UI.

What I meant was for only the menu to wait before switching, at least
for a while, after the window is focused. So it would still be
focus-follows-mouse -- but I can see how that might be confusing in

> The solution I would suggest is an alternative to focus-follows-mouse called
> stop-focus (  It was written for
> the old Sawfish windows manager, and I don't know if it could be ported as
> is.  Even if that specific program cannot be used, its behavior is the only
> solution I see to this problem.

So it simply waits until the mouse stands still before focusing? Yeah,
that sounds like a better idea.

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