Re: Building the default desktop

On Thu, Jul 24, 2003 at 10:02:07PM -0400, Chris Geddings wrote: 
> Question 1:
> -----------
> The basis of what I want is to set a default background, configure
> default desktop icons, and most importantly, configure two default
> panels, one a menu panel, and the other an edge panel.  With the edge
> panel, I will need to put certain launchers on there.
> Now, I am pretty sure, at this point, that I can take the
> panel-per-panel-config-nolaptop.schemas file in /etc/gconf/schemas from
> my rhl 9 system, modify it, and be good to go.  (Though modifying it
> will be a little less pleasant than it sounds.)  My question is this. 
> The docs sorta seemed to indicate that the small and large screen
> settings were basically not relevant, and may be there just as a
> "future" kind of thing.  Is this accurate?  Can I just work with the
> "medium" sets in my schema file?  Or, can I just do the medium, and then
> copy its results out, changing the relevant parts from "medium" to
> "small" and "large" as appropriate?

I believe this is right, small/large aren't used. 

> Question 2:
> -----------
> I'm working with a ton of users.  Not all users will be using gnome, but
> it is not predictable to me which ones will and which ones will not, so
> I can't prime their accounts with stuff.  (Well, that is part of why.) 
> This is why I'll do as much as I can from within the gconf defaults &&
> mandatory settings.
> If a user has not reconfigured their panels, and I add a launcher to one
> of the default panels later, will they pick that up?
> If that is a yes, then, if they do change some details about the panels,
> but leave the panel itself there (but maybe add or remove launchers from
> the default panel config), will my added launcher show up?

I believe the answer is that if they've logged in with GNOME their
panel will have been saved, and that includes a list of launchers on
it. So if you add a launcher it won't be in the list and they won't
see it.

You could of course write a script that added the launcher for each


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