Re: [gpm] CPU throttling based on CPU temperature

On Wed, 2006-11-29 at 09:25 +0100, Arne John Glenstrup wrote:
> Hi,
> Apologies if this question is posted to the wrong place; I couldn't
> find an answer in the GNOME Power Manager FAQ.
> My problem is: I would like to set power management to
> "max performance but never CPU temperature over x degrees celcius."
> (in an AC-powered but quiet environment.)
> Currently, it seems I can only set
> "max performance," which under heavy load makes CPU temperature exceed
>                     fan-switch-on temperature, or
> "max powersave," which keeps the fan quiet, but reduces performance.
> Is there some way for me to set the CPU throttling based on
> CPU temperature?

No - I think you need to do "modprobe cpufreq_conservative" or "modprobe
cpufreq_ondemand", and then the frequency will go up with processor
load. I'm not sure it's safe to do policy based on CPU temperature.


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