No package 'gudev-1.0' found in 2.91.93 tar.gz distrib


I ran onto the  missing gudev-1.0 when trying to install gnome-pilot-2.91.93 on an Ubuntu 12.04 in a Gnome 3.4.1 session even though gir1.2-gudev-1.0 is installed and I have the ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3 repository in my software sources.

Would appreciate your help cause I'm stuck in the ./configure step of the install.

Thanks in advance.

Some extra information:

sudo ldconfig -p | grep -i gudev (libc6) => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
sudo pkg-config --list-all | grep -i gudev
    gudev-sharp-1.0                GUdev - GUdev

Thanks a lot in advance,


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