Re: Tre 755

On 8/15/07, David A. Desrosiers <desrod gnu-designs com> wrote:

> On Wed, 2007-08-15 at 10:28 -0300, George N. White III wrote:
> > I find that neither machine shows any sign of USB activity when  I hit
> > the "sync" on the Palm until I run "sudo lusb", at which point the
> > Palm is listed:
> Are you hitting the HotSync button on the cradle/cable? Or on the Palm
> touchscreen itself? They're not the same thing... and each can be
> configured to behave in completely different ways (intentionally).
> For example, my touchscreen is configured so that tapping the HotSync
> icon syncs over Bluetooth, while using the cradle/cable's button, does a
> direct USB sync.
> You won't see any USB activity, if your HotSync touchscreen settings are
> set for LAN sync, Bluetooth, or any other non-direct synchronization
> method.

AFAIK, the T/E only does USB sync.  The need for "sudo lsusb" also applies to
USB memory keys on these 2.6.22 kernels (or maybe I just need to be
more patient
to let udev work).

George N. White III <aa056 chebucto ns ca>
Head of St. Margarets Bay, Nova Scotia

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