Re: [Bug 45986] Re: unable to bind to pilot

On Wed, 2006-27-09 at 20:00 -0400, David A. Desrosiers wrote:
On Wed, 2006-09-27 at 17:50 -0400, Matt Price wrote:
> > thank you guys!  I was unable to get bluetooth to work and will
> > probably give up on that unless someone has some hints.  but network
> > sync works!
> Depends on what you tried ;) 
> Best thing to do is find me on irc (I go by 'setuid' everywhere, and
> make sure it tracks back to the right name, i.e. resolves to the same IP
> that resolves to). 

managed to get this working after all!  as in the network-sync case, the
difficulty was just in navigating the palm interface, whch is enough
different that the instructions on the website weren't self-evident
anymore.  I will try to get the screenshot program working so I can send
some screenshots.  I've never installed any software on a palm though so
I have to figure that out first I guess.



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