Re: [Bug 45986] Re: unable to bind to pilot

On Wed, 2006-09-27 at 17:50 -0400, Matt Price wrote:
> thank you guys!  I was unable to get bluetooth to work and will
> probably give up on that unless someone has some hints.  but network
> sync works!

Depends on what you tried ;) 

Best thing to do is find me on irc (I go by 'setuid' everywhere, and
make sure it tracks back to the right name, i.e. resolves to the same IP
that resolves to). 

I can help you real-time and we can debug. in
#pilot-link is the best way to reach me or many helpful others. 

> the only real difficulty was navigating the palm tx preferences.  the
> "primary pc" panel is missing, and the crucial step is selecting
> 'network' under 'modem sync preferences' in the hotsync menu.  don't
> know if there's anywhere I can store that info on the pilot-link site
> to help other users? 

Screenshots with Andreas Linke's Screenshot application are best (we
even have our own conduit to pull those images out of the Palm with
pilot-link. Thanks go to Andreas and Angus for the help on that). 

If there are subtle Palm OS version differences, I'd like to document
them with proper screenshots so I can help a broader userbase. 

David A. Desrosiers
desrod gnu-designs com

"Erosion of civil liberties... is a threat to national security."

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