Re: Coexisting with vmware?

On Wed, Dec 08, 2004 at 11:09:29AM +0100, Alexandre Aractingi wrote:
> Le mardi 07 d?cembre 2004 ? 11:29 -0800, William Pietri a ?crit :
> > Hmmm... I'm puzzled. I thought I tried that, but perhaps I'm confused
> > about how to remove the module. I did "sudo rmmod visor" but that
> > seems
> > to get reloaded when I press the Hotsync button
> Just a no-so-clean idea: did you try to rename the actual driver file to
> prevent the kernel from loading it?
> sudo
> mv /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/

I just tried this yesterday on a Debian unstable laptop running 2.6.9. i.e.
renamed visor.ko to BACKUP.visor and ran 'depmod -a'. Next time I hit the
hotsync button I saw the usbserial module get loaded and that was it.

In VMWare running Windows XP I had to 'connect' the USB device from the 
VM menu, USB Port 1, and selecting "Palm Inc, Palm Handheld" (yes it 
shows up there).

Apart from being a little slow, everything worked well. i.e. palm desktop,
quick install, docs to go, etc...

This is great for me, but I still need syncing to Evolution to work reliably.
For some reason debian unstable is behind on gnome-pilot 2.0.10 and I'm
waiting for the Evolution 2.0.3 release.

Jason Nicholls
Jason Nicholls                     email: <jason mindsocket com au>     cell: 206 310 4239 (US)
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