gpilotd sync problems - workaround?

I had posted earlier about a workaround by executing /usr/libexec/gpilotd in a terminal window after hitting the sync button and then firing up the pilot settings dialog box on Evo 1.4.  Actually, a small correction to this.  You don't need to invoke the pilot settings window to sync.  The following seems to work consistently on RH8.0, 2.4.20-18.9, XD2, Evo 1.4, gnome-pilot 2.0.9:
  1. kill the gpilotd process
  2. hit the sync button on the pilot
  3. submit /usr/libexec/gpilotd (with no startup parameters)
In a few seconds, you should see a sync up.  I agree that this is an annoying problem, but in my case, I'd continue to do it this way in order to not go back to Windows and Outlook.


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