Re: evolution address book conduit issues

<sigh> Call me naive, but I did try to compile evo from CVS source.  I
got as far as "./configure".  config complained about my db version.  It
wants 3.1.17 and I've got 3.2.9.  I can see an uphill battle, and I'm
not going to fight it now.  You're right, JP, I'll wait for the next
release.  I use the Gentoo distro.  Meanwhile, I can back my Visor up
with pilot-xfer.

Thanks and goodnight,

On Wed, 2003-08-13 at 00:22, JP Rosevear wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-08-12 at 22:22, lsiden wrote:
> > Would someone like to tell me how to apply the patch?  Or at least what
> > docs I need to look at.  I'm new at this.
> Its a source code patch, so unless you want to compile evo from source
> (non-trivial) you'll probably just have to wait for the release.
> -JP

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