Re: memo_file in CVS

Alan Shutko writes:
 > Vadim Strizhevsky <> writes:
 > > I've commited resurrected and updated memo_file conduit to CVS. It
 > > syncs MemoDB to regular text files.
 > Yay!  You've made my life happy.  As of an early afternoon checkout
 > (Melville time)

I'm geographically challenged ;-) Where's Melville? The last update I
did was around 8pm New York time, and that fixed a nasty bug, make
sure you have that. 

 > I noticed it didn't sync all my older memos, just the
 > new ones since last sync (last sync was with Palm Desktop when I did
 > my OS3.3). 

This is strange. Did you happened to notice in debug output if it did Fast or Slow
sync this first time? The deal is if you last synced with the same
"system", it is safe to do a fast sync. In this case it should've done
a slow sync, since this is the first time MemoDB is being synced with
gnome-pilot (right?) Fast sync iterates only over the changed records on the
pilot, while slow sync goes over all records on the pilot. However
locally changed,created or deleted record should be synced in either case.

Here's a quick script from Eskil to force a slow sync next
time. However it really shouldn't be necessary except for testing, so
I'd really would like to understand what happened in your case.

#! /bin/bash
HOSTID=`cat $CFG|grep sync_PC|sed 's/sync_PC_Id=//'`
mv $CFG $CFG.tmp
cat $CFG.tmp | sed $SEDSTRING > $CFG
rm $CFG.tmp

 > I know that PilotManager seems to ask the pilot when the
 > last sync time was, and will do a slow/full sync then.  I don't
 > anything about the conduit architecture yet, but it should do
 > something.

Yes I know those messages, but I think they are unecessary. The
current gpilotd implementation is supposed to be smart to figure out
which type of sync to do and do the right thing. See above on the

 > Also along this vein, I was thinking about adding a capplet
 > to all conduits of "Desktop overwrites Pilot/Pilot overwrites
 > Desktop/Synchronize".  Do you mind if I try it out on the memo_file
 > conduit, or were you planning on doing it yourself?

You must be telepathic ;), actually, that was next on my todo list, and I
was planning to do it over this weekend (hopefully). Btw this only applys to Abs
conduits only I.e. this is not necessary to email, backup or file
conduits at the moment.

Also there are 2 "new" sync ways for gnome-pilot architecture: "Merge
to Pilot" and "Merge From Pilot".

Here's Eskil explanation on them:

Synchronize: Record level synchronization as described by 3Com 
Copy to pilot: deletes the entire DB on the pilot, inserts the local records.  
Copy from pilot: deletes the entire local DB, inserts the pilot records.  
Merge to pilot: syncs locally modified records, adds locally new records to pilot.
Merge from pilot: sync pilot modified records, adds new records from the pilot.

 > Right now, I'm
 > just working through any general bugs I find to acquaint myself
 > the code, but I am pretty sure I'd like to try a jfile conduit
 > someday.

I'm not sure I'm familiar with it, What's jfile?


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