Re: Moving to a more distro/host agnostic setup for the canonical spec files.

From: Daniel Ruoso <daniel ruoso com>:
> But the gnome software are splitted into packages (and that is not rpm
> or deb). A gnome package is a piece of software. So, what standards we
> should apply to gnome packages? Here is an example list (a proposal).
>  - The use of tar.gz for source distribution
>  - gnome packages are in source format. Binary formats are
> responsability of linux distros.
>  - The gnome packages should follow FHS (Filesystem Hierarchy Standards)
>  - Dependencies should be documented in some generic format (to be used
> (to be used by distro packagers)
I think not only Dependencies but also other information documented in some
generic format be used by distro packagers. Or providing a tool extracts
informations from other files might be useful. e.g. we can extract a package's
name and version from 

An appraoch other than providing a tool is using epm( .
We can use epm's file format not for generating binary packages but for document a 
package (and that is not rpm or deb) as a generic format. This idea was strongly
rejected on this list long time ago:-P

Masatake YAMATO

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