Re: GNOME 1.4 RPMs for RH 6.2 and 7.0

On 08 May 2001 23:46:30 -0500, Dan Mueth wrote:
> On 8 May 2001, Gregory Leblanc wrote:
> > So, has anybody actually tried these RPMs, other than myself?  How do
> > they look?  What are the bugs in them?  
> [The following pertains to the RH 7.0 packages, although I expect it to be
> the same for the 6.2 packages.]

For what it's worth, the Red Hat 7.0 and 6.X rpms are both created from
the same set of SRPMS.  

> The main problem I've noticed in the RPMs is that many files default to
> user and group of gleblanc:
> warning: user gleblanc does not exist - using root
> warning: group gleblanc does not exist - using root

Erm, oops.  :)  I can't think of any faster way than manually browsing
the spec files to see which ones I've forgotten a defattr line on.  Easy
task, if slightly boring.  If somebody decides that's a good place to
start out, let me know.  If you don't know how to do that, don't worry,
it's easy, I'll send you some info.

> Now that I'm looking at things (basically just doc stuff) a little closer,
> I see a few other problems.  They are:
> 1) control-center, gnome-media, gtop, and glade don't seem to have any
> docs (sgml or html).

Well, these are, mostly, fixed.  I've added the OMF files to
control-center, glade, and gtop, and help to those three.  gnome-media
doesn't appear to ship with any help files.  :-/
I'll look at the rest of these bugs as time permits.  Later,

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