Re: [Fwd: Re: here i come !]

> Also, I think that the user should know what he is doing when he sets it
> to be ext2, we never want a user to run it without activily choosing it
> (imho anyway). Yes, it will eat more battery if you run ext3 on your
> laptop *BUT* you will not face an 'fsck' at boot.
> We can have a document describing how to use 'ext2' together with
> information about pros and cons, but I think we should always go with

As Nielsen (I think) quips, "Users can't read, and even if they could,
they wouldn't want to"

Don't rely on documentation. Most users simply don't read it. If there's
an important distinction like this (which we've readily identified: use
ext3 unless its a laptop in which case journalling is probably too
costly) we either need to get the filesystem fixed (that'd sure be nice,
I've heard there are patches that help immensely with this) or we need
to handle the choice of filesystem automaticall, preferably *not*
exposing the choice to the user.


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