Core UX

Hey all,

Let's try and elaborate the action points that we set for the core UX...

- Define list of features and applications with priorities (Design Team)

The long-term goal is to consolidate around the new core applications,
especially the content apps (Documents, Photos, Music, Videos &
Transfers). I think it would be good to try and make sure that we have
a release of all the content apps for 3.8 (even if some of them are
preview releases). If anyone wants to help out with photos or get
started on music or transfers, just get in touch.

- Proposal for libview (Federico)

This is quite important, because it will allow us to use the core apps
for previews instead of relying on the existing viewer applications.
Again, progress for 3.8 is desirable.

- Bootstrap implementation of missing high priority applications (Design Team)

We need some preliminary designs for Transfers. Also, I'll do some
publicity work for the content apps at the beginning of next cycle;
here's hoping that we can recruit some more contributors.

- Define and publish UX guidelines (Design Team)

We have some work in progress material for this, but we probably need
to take a fresh run at it. That said, I would hope (optimistically) to
have something ready for release by 3.8.

- Define core set of technologies for core applications (Bastien & Cosimo)

Since we're in the early stages for many of the new applications, it
would be really good to get a sense of where we are with this. Do we
have any advice for contributors wanting to get started on Music or
Transfers? Do we require that Tracker is used? What about languages?
What about widgets that aren't in Gtk?

One thing that isn't on the list of action items but probably should be is:

- Develop design patterns for content selection

I think that Jon wants to try this out for background selection first,
so we can explore and test the pattern we want to use elsewhere. He
seems to be doing some work on this already [1], which is fantastic


IRC:  aday on

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